Learning details of precision machining project from customers

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Learning details of precision machining project from customers

Summary of April and May, although a bit tired,but also a lot of gains.SYM interviewed a lot of foreign customers.Israeli customer Mr.Yaron, American Mr.Scott, Mr.Smith,Mr.Brien and Mr.Borgart.

By contacting each customer,we have a better understanding of the customer’s requirements for their precision machining project.


  • The main machining project for Israeli customer is aluminum heatsink.

Israeli customer

We learn more about this product from Mr.Yaron, The flatness and perpendicularity of product mounting surface requirements are higher,due to the part made from aluminum extrusion,exist deformation,so it is not better to tap the thread hole by CNC,all thread holes should be done by manual tapping,and then check them by screw gauge one by one.






  • The main machining project for American customer Mr.Scott is automotive parts.SC customers


The focus of this interview on a eccetric shaft part,we discussed the quality stability in the processing.We learn more about this part from customer.The diameter and concentricity is very important for this part,if out of the tolerance,this seal can be stretched or even deteriorate with the added expansive rotation.This motion can then cause oil leaks,being a piece of the reverse gear function,this can also endanger the rider if the reverse fails.


Therefore,we should control the process strictly when we do this part,to do CPK analysis of the key features.Make 100% full inspection if CPK data out of requirement. After discussing with customer we improve the process of this part,make sure all the dimension be fully controlled under tolerance.


  • Mr.Brien come from America,his company manufacturing tanker equipment.Eccentric shaft


Through this meeting,we know that their prodcut dimensions requriements are very strict,the tolerance are very
tight,such as concentricity 0.00001″,perpendicularity 0.00001″,100% to achieve,which for us is a challenge,we are
making samples for two parts.





  • Mr.Borgart is our old customer.CA customers


we have been cooperated more than 10 years,first of all to congratulate the successful transformation of this customer upgrade to the robot industry,we were discussing the mass production in the near future.

Meeting with our customers,we have learned more details of precision machining project. SYM will continue to improve innovation, high efficiency and high quality services to meet customers’ requirement.




Ciao a tutti, sono Susan!

Oltre 25 anni di attenzione ai servizi di lavorazione di precisione.

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