Bring in new machine—advanced machining

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Bring in new machine—advanced machining

Advanced machining solution

Due to meet advanced machining requirements, SYM just bring in 3 sets of new CNC lathe,the brand is star,SR-20J.

advanced machining
advanced machining application in SYM precision machining shop

The SR-20J provides superior cost capability performance ,The original design achieves maximum rigidity and flexibility, as well as enhanced tooling to capitalize on basic and advanced machining applications. The SR-20J’s innovative machine configuration provides high productivity dramatically reduce non-cutting time.




Machine Specifications

Max. machining diameter ø 20mm(25/32in)
Max. headstock stroke Standard 205mm(8in) 55mm
With RMGB 172mm(6-25/32in) (Bar diameterx2.5)
Tool Number of tools 6 tools 
Tool shank 1/2″ square
4-Spindle sleeve holder Number of tools Front 4 tools : OP
Rear Up to 4 tools
Max. drilling capability ø 10mm(25/64in)
Max. tapping capability M8XP1.25
Power driven att. Number of tools 3~10 tools : including OP; Standard (5) up to 15 OP
Max. drilling capability ø 8mm(5/16in)
Max. tapping capability M6XP1.0
Max. milling capability ø 10mm(25/64in)
Max. slotting capability 50mm Saw


The above machining capacities apply to SUS303 material. The machining capacity may differ from listed values depending on the machining conditions, such as the material (brass,aluminum) to be machined or the tools to be used.


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