7 kinds of clamping method of turning eccentric parts

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7 kinds of clamping method of turning eccentric parts

In mechanical transmission, the rotary motion into reciprocating linear motion or linear motion into rotary motion, usually with an eccentric shaft or crankshaft to complete.Eccentric shaft that is parallel to the axis of the parts between the cylindrical outer and without overlap. The method of turning eccentric parts,according to different quantity,shape and precision of the machined parts.

Eccentric Shaft
Eccentric Shaft

There are 7 kinds of clamping method of turning eccentric parts.

1. With four-jaw chuck turning 

This method is suitable for processing eccentricity smaller, less precision, shorter and smaller quantity of eccentric parts.

2.With three-jaw self centering chuck turning

This method is suitable for mass production,shorter and smaller eccentricity,less precise eccentric parts. Spacer should be added in a claw of three-jaw self-centering chuck.

3.With double chuck turning

This method is suitable for processing short length,eccentricity is small,a large quantity of eccentric parts. Should adjust the eccentricity before processing.

4. With faceplate turning 

This method is suitable for the shorter length,the larger eccentricity,less precise eccentric parts.Before machining eccentric hole,the firs processing is turning out diameter and two ends surface,and then machining the eccentric hole.

5.With eccentric chuck turning

This method is suitable for processing short axis,the disc,tube with high precision eccentric parts.

6.With two top turning eccentric parts

This method is suitable for processing longer eccentric parts,before machining the parts,should draw the center point and eccentric point on both sides of the parts,and then turning.

7. With special fixture turning eccentric parts

This method is suitable for high-precision machining, and larger quantities of eccentric parts. Before processing should be processed from the corresponding eccentric shaft or eccentric according to the eccentricity of the part, and then clamping the part on eccentric shaft for turning.


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