Holiday for Chinese New Year of 2018

  SYM Precision Machining would like to thank all customers for a great 2017,Through your trusting and supporting,we have been able to make this a successful year. The Chinese New Year of 2018 is getting closer,we will have a long holiday for the New Year, SYM Precision Machining  will be closed from Feb,10th to Feb,25th.2018,we […]

Vous devez connaître les spécifications des matériaux pour les pièces usinées en tube.

Nous avons reçu une commande de pièces usinées de tubes de la part d'un client canadien en octobre, grand diamètre avec 65″ de long, matériau C1020, OD 8″ x 0.75″ paroi, il est difficile d'acheter ce tube en Chine, à moins de faire un moule spécialement, mais le MOQ est de 10T. L'offre que nous fournissons au client est basée sur OD8 x0.78″ sans usinage de l'intérieur [...]

How to reduce the distortion of Delrin Machined Parts during processing?

Small Fixture

POM/ Delrin. Thermoplastic crystalline polymer,it is known as ‘super steel’,with high mechanical strength and rigidity,strong impact resistance,used for widely temperature range (-40℃~120℃). At present,the Delrin as lower cost of plastic,It is replacing some of the markets that have traditionally been dominated by metals.For examples,alternative zinc alloy, brass, aluminum and steel parts.Has been widely used in […]

How to treat your customers

6 Tips for dealing with your customers   Based on my business experience of more than 10 years, it is not difficult to cooperate with clients from abroad, serve with your heart, and do not be mean and humble.       1. Treat customers, sincere service customers,taking this kind of thinking, and put it into […]

Choisir le bon matériau pour vos pièces usinées en aluminium

Sym Machining Factory Equipments (26)

Il est important de choisir le bon matériau pour vos pièces usinées en aluminium. Il existe de nombreux types d'alliages d'aluminium sur le marché, mais seuls 7 types d'alliages d'aluminium sont couramment utilisés pour les pièces usinées de précision en aluminium. AL6061 Les principaux éléments de l'alliage AL6061 sont le magnésium et le silicium, avec une résistance modérée, une bonne résistance à la corrosion, une bonne soudabilité et une bonne [...]

HV Hardness of metal machined parts

Sym Machining Factory Equipments (18)

HV Hardness is the vickers hardness, and HRC is the representation of rockwell hardness.Their differences are mainly in the hardness test, the indentation shape is different.   The conversion between HV and Mpa Load 49~980 N,The conical diamond with the Angle of 136 degrees is pressed into the surface of the material,After keeping time,Measure the […]

The National day holiday in 2017

Sym Machining Factory Equipments (4)

The National Day Holiday Notice in 2017 The holiday is coming for the National Day and Mid-Autumn Day in 2017, We will enjoy 8 days vacation from Oct,01 to Oct,08th. You may leave your message by email,we will response your first time when we come back to work on Oct,09th. National Day is the symbol […]

Analysis and design of cnc machining process for complex parts

CNC Machining Process for Complex Parts Complex parts are the most common processing products in CNC machining process. Its processing route will be covered, Including selection processing methods, division of processing stage, division process, processing sequence arrangement and determination of the processing route and so on. 1. Determination of parts blank According to the parts process design, […]

Grinding Process

What is grinding process? Grinding process is also known as grinding machining. Grinding is machining the surface of metal parts by grinding wheel,oil stone and abrasive. The machine tool that uses grinding wheel is usually called grinding machine,the machine tool that uses oil stone and abrasive is called precise grinding machine. The grinding wheel is […]

Learning details of precision machining project from customers

Summary of April and May, although a bit tired,but also a lot of gains.SYM interviewed a lot of foreign customers.Israeli customer Mr.Yaron, American Mr.Scott, Mr.Smith,Mr.Brien and Mr.Borgart. By contacting each customer,we have a better understanding of the customer’s requirements for their precision machining project.   The main machining project for Israeli customer is aluminum heatsink. We […]



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