Comment obtenir des pièces usinées terminées

Completed Machined Parts

7 steps of completed machined parts Some customer couldn’t understand that why it take long time to complete machined parts. Precision machining is different from 3D print, that we can get complete product as soon. Machining of parts is a process where a piece of raw material is cut to fit requirement. Actually, the final […]

4 Conseils pour la conception des tolérances des pièces de machines

Tolerance Design

4 Tips for tolerance design of machine parts   When designing a machine parts, the step of adding tolerance requirements to the part is called tolerance design. Four tips as below for your reference. 1.  Tolerances are critical to part design, but not all parts or features of parts need to be toleranced. In order […]

How about CNC machining services in China

CNC machining services in China If you want to know more about CNC machining service in China, please continue to read this article. Looking for CNC machining services in China, you have to look in Guangdong first. In 2022, there are almost 9600 machining plants in operation in Dongguan City. how to get a reliable […]

Qu'est-ce que l'usinage par électroérosion ?

What Is Edm Machining

What is EDM machining? Electrical Discharge Machining (EDM), the continuous moving thin metal wire (called electrode wire) to perform pulse spark discharge on the workpiece to remove metal, cut and shape. EDM is suitable for processing high hardness conductive workpieces. Processing various complex and precise small workpieces, such as punches,concave dies,fixed plates,etc. EDM also process […]

How to read machining drawing

Machining Drawing

How to read machining drawing? The purpose of reading machining drawing is to clarify the structural shape,size and technical requirements of the machined parts.So as to guide production and solve related technical problems, which requires engineers and technicians to have the ability to read machining drawings proficiently.  1. Basic requirements for reading part drawings a.  […]

Usines de pièces d'usinage CNC de pointe

Cnc Machining Process

Les usines de pièces d'usinage CNC de pointe disposent d'un grand nombre de machines CNC et de technologies avancées. Elles peuvent toujours produire des pièces usinées de qualité supérieure. C'est parce qu'elles maîtrisent les méthodes et les compétences de l'usinage CNC. 1. Compétences en programmation La demande de pièces d'usinage CNC est très élevée. Deux aspects doivent être pleinement pris en compte lors de [...]

Choisir le bon matériau pour le traitement mécanique

Lors du choix de l'ébauche, il est nécessaire de prendre en compte non seulement les facteurs du traitement thermique, mais aussi les exigences du traitement à froid afin de réduire le coût de fabrication des pièces usinées. Il existe quatre types d'ébauches couramment utilisées dans la transformation mécanique. [...]

Brevet technique pour l'emboutissage de précision

Sym Web Site

Precision piercing stamping technic. Innovative and rigorous process design precise and standard mold manufacturing. 1. Material: copper, steel, aluminum, stainless steel. 2. Diameter of hole is 0.08mm MIN. 3. Tolerance: +/- 0.01mm. 4. No burrs. 5. Hole spacing: 0.3mm. ( get 17,000 pc of uniform precision holes within the area as 50x80mm) 6. Application: liquid […]

Comment concevoir l'ajustement serré d'une pièce d'usinage en plastique ?

Plastic Machined Parts

Interference fit is a common way of mechanical connection, about the tolerance of interference fit, it is different from plastic machining part and steel parts. If the magnitude of interference is too large, the plastic parts easy crack under press fitting. Let’s explain some details of acctual case, which happened at SYM Precision Machining Shop. […]

SYM Precision Machining in 2022

Sym Precision Machining Team

The development of SYM precision machining in 2022 In the past two years, SYM Precision Machining has devoted itself to the development of efficient custom machining services. In addition, we have introduced many high-precision CNC machine. It mainly focuses on the expansion of CNC lathes and CNC milling machines.So far, we have 6 sets of […]



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