SYM Precision Machining Ability

SYM precision machining ability Check our precision machining ability to match your machining needs. Professional metal machining manufacturer support you on all kinds of machined parts,such as turning, milling,grinding,CNC turning and CNC milling service. Item    Designation Working Range Machining  Accuracy     1 Turning ф300*1000mm 0.015mm 2 Milling L1000*W500*H300mm 0.02mm 3 Granding L400*W150*H280 mm 0.002mm […]

Bring in new machine—advanced machining

Advanced machining solution Due to meet advanced machining requirements, SYM just bring in 3 sets of new CNC lathe,the brand is star,SR-20J. The SR-20J provides superior cost capability performance ,The original design achieves maximum rigidity and flexibility, as well as enhanced tooling to capitalize on basic and advanced machining applications. The SR-20J’s innovative machine configuration […]

QPQ Nitriding

Milling Parts (7)

Do you know QPQ Nitriding? QPQ Nitriding  is a process for producing a thin, high-hardness case that is wear and corrosion resistant. QPQ Nitriding widely used in industry for decades, is mainly used to improve the abrasion resistance of steel, cast iron, stainless steel and other materials, and to improve the fatigue strength, particularly in […]

Check List for precision machining suppliers

  Focus on precision machining suppliers 10 things you must know when you source precision machining suppliers in China.   [list type=”check”] You must know the supplier is manufacturer, trading company or SOHO, and valuate business risk.   You must know their production equipment, ask for equipment list and see if they have ability to […]

Tableaux de correspondance des matières premières

Liste des matières premières pour l'usinage des métaux Tableaux de référence croisée des matières premières pour l'usinage des métaux dans 7 pays Concernant certaines matières métalliques, la même matière a un nom différent dans chaque pays. Si vous commandez un composant usiné de précision en Chine, ferez-vous attention au modèle de notre matière ou non ? Pays et matériau Standard Allemagne Chine Angleterre France Italie Japon [...]

Don’t process at 8 situation

Cnc Turning Parts

Precise machining manufacturing in China At SYM precise machining manufacturing, there is no individual hero,only the team strength, We have an outstanding learning organization working at different post. They understand the market and the demand from customer. After several years practice, Many of them are becoming essential leader and technical backbone on each post. Causes enterprise’s development […]

SYM Precision Machining New website online

SYM Precision Machining Manufacturer Congratulate the success of the new website, SYM precision machining on the line.  main show precision machining works, machining technology support, precision machining industry news. SYM is a professional precision machining manufacturer, which specializes in Manufacturing precision mechanical parts, Mold components, Precision fixtures, clamps, Stamping parts, bending parts, Tube welding and […]



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