En savoir plus sur les propriétés de l'acier 8620

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En savoir plus sur les propriétés de l'acier 8620

8620 steel propertiesYou must to know about 8620 steel properties when you design mechanical components.

8620 steel properties, it is a low nickel – chromium – molybdenum medium hardenability, alloy steel. Characterised by good core strength and toughness in small to medium sections with case hardness up to Rc62 when carburized hardened and tempered.

Pre hardened and tempered (uncarburized) 8620 can be further surface hardened by nitriding but will not respond satisfactorily to flame or induction hardening due to its low carbon content.

8620 (carburized) is used extensively by all industry sectors for light to medium stressed components and shafts requiring high surface wear resistance with reasonable core strength and impact properties.

8620 has good machinability and responds well to polishing, it is excellent for welding applications.


Applications:8620 steel mechanical components

Bearings, Bushings, Cam Shafts, Differential Pinions, Guide Pins,Splined Shaft,heavy duty pins,Sleeve,gears, cranks, clutch shafts, axles, tie bars, collets, bolting, hand tools, and a multitude of machinery parts and components.



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