CNC precision machining and benchwork which is stronger?


CNC precision machining and benchwork which is stronger?

CNC Precision Machining and Benchwork

CNC Precision machining is important, but Benchwork is also necessary .Today, in this era of rapid development of automation, more and more people ignore the manual processing steps benchwork.

Some people may ask, Can you make crankshaft of Heavy duty diesel engine by hand?crankshaft

Of course not,CNC precision machining can manufacture high precise crankshaft,however,there always exsit deviation.When you install the crank into crank box,Seven major bearing contact surfaces of diesel engine can not be completely consistent,When the crankshaft and the bearing bushing mounted together,impossible to get Seven bearing force uniform completely.Not solve this problem, the diesel engine to vibration, short life expectancy, high fuel consumption.

At this time,we should think about benchwork.Benchwork is different from CNC precision machining work,Precision machined to ensure that small deviation embodied in manufactured between the workpiece and the design size.Benchwork processing is relative,it can repair the bearing bushing according to the actual size of crankshaft,So that each contact face of the crankshaft and the bearing clearance is consistent, even by force.

In fact, not compete with each other and alternate between CNC precision machining and benchwork, they are meant to achieve two different purposes before and after the procedure, they are complementary, not comparable.


Hola, soy Susan.

Más de 25 años centrados en servicios de mecanizado de precisión.

Shengyuan Precision Machining​

Mecanizado de precisión ShengYuan

Excelencia en ingeniería, entregada a tiempo



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