How to get a clean precision machined parts


How to get a clean precision machined parts

precision machined parts

Cleaning Precision Machined Parts

Due to get a clean precision machined parts,S YM introduction of automatic ultrasonic cleaning line, is mainly used for cleaning precision parts during the production process steps or the terminal products.

Such as computer hard drives, the head carriage, drives, mechanical parts such as supercharger, shock absorber parts, Aluminum, iron, copper die castings, ductile iron castings, cylinder, shell, piston rings, hydraulic Parts, compressor parts and other mechanical metal parts, automotive parts precision metal parts of the surface to Oil-cleaning. Advantages of quick wash and dry for volume continuous production.

Process Features:

1. Use of environmentally friendly water-based neutral cleaning agent, municipal water or pure water.

2. Automatic completion of the workpiece transfer machine, washing, drying, rust processes.

3. Optional installation of a specially designed parabolic move, get even thoroughly cleaned.

4. Fully enclosed design, simple, reliable, easy to maintain.

5. Stainless steel tank , acid and alkali.

6. Set up speed hot air drying system, fast drying the workpiece.ultrasonic clean parts


Hola, soy Susan.

Más de 25 años centrados en servicios de mecanizado de precisión.

Shengyuan Precision Machining​

Mecanizado de precisión ShengYuan

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