What is CNC machining?


What is CNC machining?

What is CNC machining?

what is CNC machining

CNC machining is the machining with CNC machining tool carried. CNC index controlled by the NC machine tool programming language control.

CNC—Computer Numerically Controlled, this control system is capable of handling a control logic codes or other
symbols Directive program through a computer to decode, so that the machine operation and machining parts. By cutting tool blank material processed into finished parts and other semi-finished products.

CNC machining parts are very accurate and repeatable; CNC machining parts with complex shapes can be produced,it is manually process can not be completed.

What is CNC machining service ?

CNC machining technology has been popularized, most machine shops have CNC machining capability, a typical machine shop, CNC milling, CNC lathe and CNC EDM wire cutting (EDM wire cutting). CNC milling tool called CNC milling or CNC machining centers,CNC turning lathes named CNC lathe center.


CNC machining, the processing route to be followed below aspects:
① should be able to guarantee the accuracy of the machined parts and surface roughness.
② the machining shortest route, reduce air travel time, improve processing efficiency.
③ Try to simplify the numerical calculation workload, simplify the machining program.
④ reused for some programs, you should use subroutines.


The advantages of CNC machining :

① Reduce the number of tooling, machining parts of complex shape without complex tooling. To change the shape and size of parts, only need to modify the part program, applies to new product development and modifications.

② stable processing quality, high precision, high repeatability, adapt aircraft processing requirements.
③ more variety, small batch production conditions high production efficiency, reduce production preparation,
machine adjustment and operation inspection time, and the use of optimal cutting capacity and reduce the cutting
④ Machining complex surface, even machining some of the area where can not be observed.


Hola, soy Susan.

Más de 25 años centrados en servicios de mecanizado de precisión.

Shengyuan Precision Machining​

Mecanizado de precisión ShengYuan

Excelencia en ingeniería, entregada a tiempo



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