5 sets new CNC milling machine coming


Brother Cnc Machine

5 sets new CNC milling machine coming

New CNC Milling machine

March,10th.2016, SYM brought 5 sets new CNC Milling machine and put into production.New CNC machine

After the Chinese Spring Festival Holiday,SYM received lots of orders of custom machined parts,the production schedule become tight recently,due to reduce the press of processing, SYM bought 5 sets new CNC machines. Till now there are 50 sets of CNC machines at SYM machining shop.

Looking for the near future,the machining processing industry is going to good situation.Here SYM want to thanks every customer’s support,and hope you can make decision earlier if you ask for machining needs,so we will arrange the production earlier and delivery the parts on time.


Hola, soy Susan.

Más de 25 años centrados en servicios de mecanizado de precisión.

Shengyuan Precision Machining​

Mecanizado de precisión ShengYuan

Excelencia en ingeniería, entregada a tiempo



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