10 basic principles of jig and fixture design


10 basic principles of jig and fixture design

10 basic principles of jig and fixture design

—-SYM can provide precision machining service for your jig and fixture design, or make design according to your requirements.

1. Meet the course workpiece positioning stability and reliability.

2. In order to ensure the construction of the workpiece on the jig and fixture carried over,there must be sufficient jig and fixture designbearing or clamping force.

3. meet clamping process is simple and quick operation;

4. consumable parts must be able to quickly replace, the best do not need to use other tools.

5. meet the jig and fixture in the adjustment or replacement process is repeated positioning reliability.

6. As much as possible to avoid complex and expensive.

7. As much as possible to select a reliable quality standard component parts on the market.

8. meet national or regional safety laws and regulations.

9. The jig and fixture design follows the manual,pneumatic, hydraulic, servo sequentially preferred principles.

10. Formed serialization and standardization within the company product.


Hallo, ich bin Susan!

Mehr als 25 Jahre Konzentration auf Präzisionsbearbeitungsdienstleistungen.

Shengyuan Precision Machining​

ShengYuan Präzisionszerspanung

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