Anteilsdichte von Rohmaterial für die Feinmechanik
Dichte des Rohmaterials für die Feinmechanik Design SYM möchte Dichte des Rohmaterials für die Feinmechanik zu teilen, hoffen, dass Sie auf Ihr Produkt-Design helfen können. Material g/cm3 Material g/cm3 Material g/cm3 Grauguss (≤HT200) 7,2 Zinkblech 7,15 Hart-PVC 1,45 Grauguss (<HT200) 7,35 Zink-Kupfer-Legierung 7,2 [...]
3 simple ways to identify the stainless steel—To obtain high quality machined parts

How to obtain high quality machined parts ? If you want to obtain high quality machined parts,the key point is material.there are 3 simple ways to identify the stainless steel. 1.Magnetic test The magnetic test is the easiest way to distinguish annealing austenitic stainless steel and ferritic stainless steels. austenitic stainless steel is Non-magnetic steel, but […]
Together with customers—SYM precision manufacturing factory
Precision Manufacturing Factory in China SYM precision manufacturing factory focus on precision machining more than 20 years, with the operation principle of ‘customer focus, pragmatic innovation, keep improving, to meet customer demand’. SYM strive to provide customers with the most competitive quality products and services. Also won the trust of a lot of foreign friends.Flipping through […]
CNC precision machining and benchwork which is stronger?
CNC Precision Machining and Benchwork CNC Precision machining is important, but Benchwork is also necessary .Today, in this era of rapid development of automation, more and more people ignore the manual processing steps benchwork. Some people may ask, Can you make crankshaft of Heavy duty diesel engine by hand? Of course not,CNC precision machining can […]
2 Key ways to improve the productivity of hard turning
How to improve the productivity of hard turning? Different machine tools for hard turning. People are increasingly demanding high quality machined parts ,and life of products. Therefore, hardened surface .There are 2 ways to improve the productivity of hard turning. 1. Optimization Process Previously, the preferred technology for the processing of such components is grinding, but for […]
Erfahren Sie mehr über die Eigenschaften von 8620 Stahl
Sie müssen die Eigenschaften von 8620 Stahl kennen, wenn Sie mechanische Komponenten entwerfen. 8620 Stahleigenschaften, es ist ein niedrig Nickel - Chrom - Molybdän mittlere Härtbarkeit, legierter Stahl. Er zeichnet sich durch eine gute Kernfestigkeit und Zähigkeit in kleinen bis mittleren Querschnitten mit einer Einsatzhärte von bis zu Rc62 aus, wenn er im Einsatz gehärtet und angelassen wird. Vorgehärtet und [...]
10 basic principles of jig and fixture design
10 basic principles of jig and fixture design —-SYM can provide precision machining service for your jig and fixture design, or make design according to your requirements. 1. Meet the course workpiece positioning stability and reliability. 2. In order to ensure the construction of the workpiece on the jig and fixture carried over,there must be […]
Application of fiber optic connectors
Application of fiber optic connectors ——SYM focus on every kind of fiber optic connectors custom machining over 20 years. Today, optical communications technology has been very mature, optical fiber communication is the main transmission of various communication networks, optical fiber communication plays a vital role in building the information highway in Europe and other developed […]
What is CNC machining?
What is CNC machining? CNC machining is the machining with CNC machining tool carried. CNC index controlled by the NC machine tool programming language control. CNC—Computer Numerically Controlled, this control system is capable of handling a control logic codes or other symbols Directive program through a computer to decode, so that the machine operation and […]
How to get a clean precision machined parts
Cleaning Precision Machined Parts Due to get a clean precision machined parts,S YM introduction of automatic ultrasonic cleaning line, is mainly used for cleaning precision parts during the production process steps or the terminal products. Such as computer hard drives, the head carriage, drives, mechanical parts such as supercharger, shock absorber parts, Aluminum, iron, copper die […]