Adding new machines into machining shop


Adding new machines into machining shop

SYM bring new machines into machining shop.

On Wednesday,  Sep, 21th. 2016.

Due to the order increasing fast this year, SYM continue to bring new CNC milling machines in 2016.

Till now, we have 54 sets CNC milling machines, and 40 sets CNC turning machines at SYM .

There is no space to put the new machines on the first floor, we had a hard work to take new machines to the third floor. 

Of course, our development depends on all customers’ trust and support, we will still improve our machining technique and provide brilliant service to our clients.

machining shop
Taking New Machine to Machining Shop


Hard work to take machine to the third floor

Hallo, ich bin Susan!

Mehr als 25 Jahre Konzentration auf Präzisionsbearbeitungsdienstleistungen.

Shengyuan Precision Machining​

ShengYuan Präzisionszerspanung

Technische Spitzenleistungen, pünktlich geliefert



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